Using HuINa's remote controlled toys for cooking!
Have you ever thought that using your remote controlled construction vehicles to help you in the kitchen?
Well, you sure can! Cooking and playing mixed together.... WOW.... who would have thought? For one keen customer of mine, he decided to purchase the 1550 excavator, the crane, bulldozer and dump truck and look at what he came up with....
He can get his breakfast......... he can cook lunch...... and well what can dinner bring??
He uses the bulldozer to push his bowl, the brings his rice bubbles in with the excavator, and then scoops them up. He then brings the milk in a jug with the crane, balances the jug on the dump truck then tips the milk into the bowl.... now cleaning up the spilt bubbles is easy with the bulldozer.
Check it out here!
Now lunch time...
The timber attachment on the excavator has never come in so handy before... He now cooks is snags with the excavator, turning them to make sure they don't burn. Then scooping them up onto the plate, with some salad!
Check it out here!
Do you want your own HuINa construction toys? Click here for more details!